初中看的时候就很不喜欢但成人后看才意识到这电影多么problematic -- quote Molly Ringwald 2018年的影评 Bender sexually harasses Claire throughout the film. When he’s not sexualizing her, he takes out his rage on her with vicious contempt, calling her “pathetic,” mocking her as “Queenie.” He never apologizes for any of it, but, nevertheless, he gets the girl in the end.
7 比较喜欢前半段后半段太生活化有点kill the vibe看完这部我再次完善了John Wayne美学论有时候John Wayne能吸引人天官赐福未删减是因为冷漠世界里弱势孤独的彼此吧这种爱只能在忽视中诞生不能被敌视摧毁它只会在尝试融入他人时被自己摧毁